All of our technicians are qualified and trained to the highest standards. We do not hire out of work tradesmen and send them out just because they have home improvement experience. With Power Pool Care, knowledge and reliability are paramount and we will do all that we can to ensure that you have a top quality experience with us.
Our mechanics undergo at least 40 hours of continuing education every year to ensure that they are up to date on proper techniques and trends, that may be more than you physician! We are not the right pool company for everyone, if you are looking for the cheapest company - we're not it! Our clients have the temperament to get the job done right. If you are looking for a competent pool company, welcome to our family.
Leak detection can range from a small drip at the pump to a crack in the under ground pipes to a hole in the liner or crack in the shell. Leaks can be very difficult to detect and even harder to locate. Leak size, amount of water loss, type of decking and landscaping, and of course the age of the pool must all be taken into account. We have many different procedures in our arsenal, some include:
Take control of your backyard experience with the most user-friendly, innovative pool automation and control systems on the market. Access pool and spa features via smartphones or other devices. You can:
LoopLoc Safety Covers - the industry leader.
Shrink Wrapping protects your valuables from the elements, including:
Shrink wrap will protect your outdoor investment from rain, snow, leaves, falling debris and UV rays.
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